Over the weekend of April 20th and 21st, 2024, our students embarked on an enriching journey to Guangzhou True Light School, our sister school in China. The visit was marked by meaningful cultural exchanges and the forging of friendships among students in the Truelight Family. Students enjoyed a comprehensive campus tour, engaging in lively discussions about school life and traditions. Martial arts sessions and group games brought everyone closer, fostering a spirit of camaraderie.

In Guangzhou, our students were enthralled by the technological advancements showcased at the Railway Museum, reflecting China’s dedication to progress. A night boat trip along the ZhuJiang River provided a captivating glimpse into the city’s scenery and a visit to Yongqingfang offered insights into the history and development of the Cantonese opera and traditional Chinese clothes.

As we reflect on this unforgettable experience, we are grateful for the connections made and the memories shared. Our study tour has strengthened the bonds between True Light sister schools, and we eagerly anticipate future exchanges. Through these endeavours, we continue to broaden our horizons and deepen our appreciation for the achievements in our motherland.