We are proud to announce that a team of four Form 2C students (Yu Sze Wing, Ting Ching Yan, Ng Yuen Tou, Wong Hau Ching) from our school recently won the second runner-up award in the “XR Travel across Major Fields of National Security” Design Competition (「國家安全領域」虛擬遊設計比賽). This competition is one of the “Love Our Home, Treasure Our Country” (「心繫家國」) joint-school activities, organized by the Education Bureau in collaboration with the Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council and the Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council. It aims to promote national security education among students and encourage the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies.

The team designed an immersive virtual world that allows users to explore Chinese tea culture and traditional shadow puppetry. Through their creative work, the students demonstrated a deep understanding of these aspects of traditional Chinese culture and their significance in the context of national security. The judges were impressed by the team’s efforts and the high level of technical proficiency they exhibited in using the CoSpaces Edu software to bring their vision to life.

This achievement is a testament to the talent and dedication of our students. By participating in this competition, they not only honed their STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) skills but also developed a stronger sense of national identity and a commitment to protecting the country’s development. We are thrilled to celebrate their success and encourage all our students to continue exploring the intersection of technology, culture and national security.